We had the opportunity this past holiday week-end to visit a friends cottage at Baskins Beach. We've been going every summer for many years, but the landscape sure is starting to change - used to be all you saw was beer cases and hung over men - now we see lots of diaper bags and toys!!
Here is Miss F. in her new glasses:

Our first time meeting Mr. C

His big brother Mr. S

Mr. T - who we haven't seen in awhile!

Birthday Girl Miss M - this pinata took quite the beating!

Little sister Miss M. - who I finally got a smile out of!

This is the face I usually get!

Then she started to pose!

The guys - they've all known each other since elementary school.

Mr D. in the middle of hide n' seek.

Two of my guys.

Miss M. who turned 5.

My oldest guy hangin' at the beach.

Workin' hard...

Miss C. and her first time at Baskins!

Looking forward to next year!